08.23.14 & 08.24.14 – Music & Movies- Kim Hammond


Summertime. The resting months. Its a time to kick back and enjoy the finer things in life… sleeping in, sandy beaches, and of course, lots of music and movies.

This summer at The Orchard we’ll be sharing some of our favorite MUSIC and MOVIES, unpacking the stories told within them and looking at how these works of art reflect the deeper things about us, our human nature and our Creator.

We were thrilled to have our friend, speaker/author Kim Hammond sharing with our community this weekend. Kim is a gifted, inspirational and engaging speaker who has spoken at conferences and churches around Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, England, the Czech Republic, Russia, Germany and the USA. Kim is the National Director and founder of the mission training organization, Forge America, and co-author of the book Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians.

08.23.14 & 08.24.14 – Music & Movies- Kim Hammond


Weekend Gathering Times

Saturdays 5:00pm | Sundays 10:00am 

Visit theorchardcommunity.com for more info about The Orchard

08.16.14 & 08.17.14 – Music & Movies- Troy Medlin


Summertime. The resting months. Its a time to kick back and enjoy the finer things in life… sleeping in, sandy beaches, and of course, lots of music and movies.

This summer at The Orchard we’ll be sharing some of our favorite MUSIC and MOVIES, unpacking the stories told within them and looking at how these works of art reflect the deeper things about us, our human nature and our Creator.


This past weekend we had the opportunity to hear from a young emerging leader named Troy Medlin.  Troy started by looking at a song called “Life Is Beautiful”, painted a picture of the life we were designed to experience, and then challenged us to a deeper present-momoent awareness of just how beautiful life really is.

08.16.14 & 08.17.14 – Music & Movies- Troy Medlin


Weekend Gathering Times

Saturdays 5:00pm | Sundays 10:00am 

Visit theorchardcommunity.com for more info about The Orchard

08.09.14 & 08.10.14 – Music & Movies- Adam Mock


Summertime. The resting months. Its a time to kick back and enjoy the finer things in life… sleeping in, sandy beaches, and of course, lots of music and movies.

This summer at The Orchard we’ll be sharing some of our favorite MUSIC and MOVIES, unpacking the stories told within them and looking at how these works of art reflect the deeper things about us, our human nature and our Creator.

Last weekend, Adam Mock shared how we are created to be linked with one another, to be in unity with one another, to be “in-love” with one another. He took us on a journey from static individuals, to becoming a well-rounded community where love knows no bounds.


Weekend Gathering Times

Saturdays 5:00pm | Sundays 10:00am 

Visit theorchardcommunity.com for more info about The Orchard

08.02.14 & 08.03.14 – Music & Movies- Scott Hodge


Summertime. The resting months. Its a time to kick back and enjoy the finer things in life… sleeping in, sandy beaches, and of course, lots of music and movies.

This summer at The Orchard we’ll be sharing some of our favorite MUSIC and MOVIES, unpacking the stories told within them and looking at how these works of art reflect the deeper things about us, our human nature and our Creator.

Last weekend Scott Hodge continued our Music & Movies series by sparking a hopeful and challenging conversation about peacemaking. On Thursday, August 28th we will be offering a Peacemaking hangout where we will be screening the film documentary, “One Day After Peace”. For more information or to sign up go to http://www.theorchardcommunity.com/connect/hangouts/.

08.02.14 & 08.03.14 – Music & Movies- Scott Hodge


Weekend Gathering Times

Saturdays 5:00pm | Sundays 10:00am 

Visit theorchardcommunity.com for more info about The Orchard